Applications for 3D Artists

and for GameGuru Users


Current Applications

Click on one of the images to get more information

xImporter - FBX Character to GameGuru Classic xPack - Texture Packing xConvert - Batch Image Conversion xSkyBox+ Skybox Generator

Application Screenshots

xPack Texture Packing

Choose Texture Format
Select your Texture Files
Pack your Textures

xConvert Batch Image Conversion

Choose File
Choose Destination File Type
Choose Compression
Select Files
Preview File

xImporter FBX Characters to GameGuru

Choose Character FPE
Choose Character type
Choose Soundset
Choose Pathfinding
Choose Animations
Play in editor
Confirm Hit Frames

xSkyBox+ Skybox Generator

Choose Source Image
Choose Output Folder
Set Resolution
Set Destination
Set Destination
Just Images

xRange - no nonsense tools

xPack Texture Packing


xPack allows you to create 'Packed Textures' with a clear and efficient user interface to build your Packed Textures, supporting  RGBA PNG files and DDS files.

Packed Textures are used in many Game engines,  GameGuruMAX, Unity and Unreal.

Whilst there is no limit on how you create your packed textures certain engines require your input textures to conform to specific channels, you can also reduce the texture size to save resources.


GameGuruMAX uses a Surface Map:


  • RED Channel = Ambient Occlusion
  • GREEN Channel = Gloss
  • BLUE Channel = Metalness
  • ALPHA Channel = NOT USED


Unity uses a Metallic-Smoothness Map:


  • RED Channel = Metallic
  • GREEN Channel = NOT USED
  • BLUE Channel = NOT USED
  • ALPHA Channel = Smoothness


Unreal uses a Metallic-Roughness Map:


  • RED Channel = Ambient Occlusion
  • GREEN Channel = Roughness
  • BLUE Channel = Metalness
  • ALPHA Channel = NOT USED



xConvert Batch Image Conversion


xConvert is a batch image converter, it will convert from JPG, PNG, TGA, DDS.


The export formats are PNG (32 Bit) and DDS (DXT1, DXT3, DXT5), if you have PNG files with alpha and some without alpha and have them all selected for DDS export if you choose DXT5 as the export format

xConvert will use DXT5 only on the files with alpha it will automatically use DXT1 for non alpha.


Unlike many other batch converters xConvert will allow you to convert DDS files to your required Compression  (DXT1, DXT3, DXT5)


NOTE: This is a 64bit application will not run on 32bit Computers



xImporter - FBX To GameGuru


xImporter will help in creating Animation sets for GameGuru from FBX Animation files.


It will update an already created FPE with all the animation information required, it also creates the AI script ready to use and go (thanks to smallg for his help)


At least 1 Animation per type are required. You can have a maximum of 3 animations per type that's a total of 18 Animations per Character.


Only Melee Characters supported at the moment.




xSkyBox+ Skybox Generator


This application will create complete skyboxes for GameGuru Classic & GameGuru MAX.

For Classic it will take an equirectangular image (EXR,PNG or JPG) and create 6 DDS files

it also creates the X model and the skyspec.txt.


(Please note Classic requires your skybox folder and skybox names be identical, with no spaces in either).



MAX uses a different type of skybox (cubemap array), again use an equirectangular image (EXR,PNG or JPG) xSkyBox+ will create the Cube file, the DBO Model file and the skyspec.txt.


Again the naming conventions are the same as Classic, the folder and skybox have to be named identically

(Correct at time of Pre Release GameGuru MAX)


You can also create 'Just Images' i.e. just 6 DDS files with xSkyBox+.


What is an equirectangular image ?


Images taken with cameras such as DSLRs, mirrorless cameras, and smartphones are generally saved as rectangular images with aspect ratios of 3:2, 4:3, or 16:9. 360 degree cameras convert a spherical image into an omnidirectional planar image 2:1. This format is called ‘equirectangular.’


Equirectangular projection is a standard format for VR and 360 cameras. That is to say, it is similar to the picture of a

flattened three-dimensional globe or a map in Mercator projection.



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